Thursday, November 26, 2015

Good Articles on MVC and .NET

Getting Started

Implementing Basic CRUD Functionality with the Entity Framework in ASP.NET MVC Application - Good step by step tutorial for MVC 5 (not MVC 6). It also shows how to use TryUpdateModel to specify what can be bound to each object. This is a bit cleaner and more object specific, but does require a bit of code.


ASP.NET MVC - The Features and Foibles of ASP.NET MVC Model Binding - a great post that gives an in-depth explanation of  how the binder works and how it can be extended.

Prefixing Input Elements Of Partial Views With ASP.NET MVC - Explains how to make a partial view generate html with references that the Binder can understand properly. Also shows a generic method for passing the prefix to the Partial View. It doesn't say it, but creating Edit Templates and EditorFor() instead of Partial Views will also solve this problem.

Model Binding To A List - Explains how to set the Name html form property so that the binder will create the collection.

Mass Assignment / Over-posting

6 Ways To Avoid Mass Assignment in ASP.NET MVC - If you use the Include or Exclude parameters with the Bind attribute it doesn't seem so say it anywhere, but the names of the fields are the same as what show up in Request.Form. So, things like Person.Address.Name, Person.Address.ID, and Person.Address would all need to be added to the Include parameter in order for fields bound to related objects to be allowed through the Include() list and be added to the Request.Form colletion.

Sharing Create / Edit Screens

 ASP.NET MVC - using the same form to both create and edit - forum on how this could be implemented

View Model

How to Use ViewModel with ASP.NET MVC - shows how to implement the repository pattern, how to organize your project, and how to use a View Model.


Building Applications in ASP.NET MVC 4  - very in depth video on how to build MVC applications. Most of it still applies to MVC 6. It has details on certain topics that are not covered in the MVC 5 version of the video.

Building Applications in ASP.NET MVC 5 - very good video and in depth video on how to build MVC applications.

Best Practices

Best Practices for ASP.NET MVC  - this is a bit old, from 2010, but still has some good advise.

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection and Unit Of Work using Castle Windsor and NHibernate - good example of how to use DI and UOW in MVC application. It shows NHibernate, but it can be used for Entity Framework. It also shows how to use in the context of the different layers of an application.

Castle Windsor Tutorial 1 - I highly recommend reviewing this tutorial. It shows how to create a Castle Windsor container application. It is complex enough to see how a whole application can be done with only calling the container 3 times. It also found it useful to modify the code such that it does NOT use IoC (i.e. not using Castle Windsor). This involves instantiating objects by hand. Then a line at a time, I removed the code I added to hardcode the creation of an object and added the appropriate line in the Installer for that object. Run the application between changes to see how the container actually instantiates the objects automatically once they are registered (in the installer).

Castle Windsor Tutorial 2 - In the case where you do need to create your own instances of an object and still use IoC, you should use TypedFactoryFacility.

Krzysztof Koźmic on software - talks about IoC concepts in depth.

What's New

Top 10 Changes in ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6

Entity Framework

Configuring Relationships with the Fluent API i.e. configuring Cascade delete and one-to-one relationships.

Unit Testing

Testing Entity Framework with a MOQ - step by step instructions on how to test the EF6+ using MOQ. I am using the latest EF6 and did NOT have to change the class the inherits from DbContext such that the DbSets are virtual because they are already that way in the T4 templates.Also, if you need to access the .Set method of the DbContext then you will need to tell the mock what it should be returning using something like: mockContext.Setup(m => m.Set()).Returns(mockSet.Object); See here for more details.

Attributes for MSTesting - includes samples of attributes for setup and cleanup methods that apply to tests, classes, assemblies, etc depending on the scope you need. A class can be created that has assembly specific setup and cleanup and doesn't need to have any tests actually in the class itself. Teh class does need to be marked as TestClass() though.

Unit Testing Good Patterns #3 - Know Your Moq Argument Matchers - this is an excellent read to understand how to use the It and Verify classes.

Keeping up

Code Magazine

Entity Framework Team Blog

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